This section contains all the categories that didn’t really work as entities for their own tab or in combination with others, but they are no less worthy of your attention.

I do not use the term gourmet lightly. As a former English teacher of many moons, I fully understand the power of words. It is my passionate enjoyment for the sensuous nature of food - particularly sweet food - that I wanted to share with others when I set out to open Queen Bee’s Kitchen. My goal is to create gourmet delights that give you pleasure and enjoyment, treats that tantalize your taste buds, and delicacies that dare you to fully embrace the moment of eating.


Items available to ship have an ** next to them. This will also be noted in the product description.

Gourmet Goodies

“The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living.”

— Dione Lucas

“Gourmet (noun): connoisseur of fine food and drink. syn. epicure: a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (esp. food & drink)”

— Oxford Languages