Winter Scones **


The original name for these scones suggested they might only get eaten a singular day of the year.

Madness, I say! Madness! No one can tell you when you can and cannot have such utter deliciousness.

Winter Scones blend classic warm flavors you think about around the holidays: vanilla, nutmeg, rosemary (think woodsy), and cranberry. But these can, and should, be enjoyed throughout the colder months with morning, afternoon, or evening tea or coffee whilst sitting next to a warm fire enjoying the snow falling on the beautiful trees outside. Sounds pretty cozy, huh?!

You’ll want to have these ready for friends and family this winter and holiday season so you can cozy up with these delicious, and gorgeous, Winter Scones!

And while I renamed them Winter Scones, if your heart tells you to eat them in the dead of summer, you just give me a call.

Makes 16 smaller scones.

Allergens: milk, wheat

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